Ministry Opportunities
Ministry Opportunities: Our goal at Zion is that every member is involved in a ministry. This is a sampling of the many ministries our members are involved in:
Altar Ministry: Set up of the altar and sanctuary for worship.
Campus Ministry: Solid Grounds is on the campus of Western Michigan University. Campus ministry reaches out to a number of students and helps support other ministries and organizations on campus with their efforts.
Card Ministry: Every month, birthday cards are sent to homebound members.
Children’s Ministry: For our PK-5th Grade students we offer Sunday School and Midweek classes along with seasonal and social events.
Christian Art: Displays of visual art by our members and other assist all to explore and meditate upon our faith.
Church Decorations: Helping to prepare the sanctuary and entry area for special times of the year, to enhance worship and spiritual growth.
Coffee Fellowship: Like all good Lutherans, coffee and donuts are part of the Sunday morning fellowship.
Communion Assistants: Members of Zion assist the pastors in the distribution of communion at our worship services.
Endowment Fund: 40 years ago an endowment fund was established so that gifts would continue to be available for ministry. This fund has been utilized for church worker scholarships, new ministry starts, and major property needs that are not covered by the budget.
Finance: A ministry team meets monthly to assist our Vice President of Finance and bookkeeper in budget planning and financial good sense.
Friends of Jesus Preschool: A great ministry to the community as we share the love of Jesus while providing a positive learning environment.
Funeral Luncheons: The meal after a funeral is a special gift to the family. Members bring food, cook, and serve the family during this special moment.
Harbinger Volunteers: A faithful group gathers each month to collate and prepare our monthly newsletter for mailing.
Helping Hands: Each year during the Christmas season members donate gifts for needy families of the community. A group of other members wrap and delivers those gifts to share our love at Christmas.
Helping Others Ministry: Each year in the fall, members donate back packs, schools supplies, and other needs for children in need so that they begin school with the same supplies as everyone else.
Holiday Bazaar (Grateful Hearts Thankful Hands): A dedicated group gathers craft and resale items through the year for a Bazaar in November that provides financial support for ministries in the community and at Zion.
Lectors: Members assist in worship through the reading of the Scripture.
Library: Collecting, cataloguing, and repairing books in our well stocked library.
Little Dresses for Africa: Sheets and pillowcases are transformed into dresses for young girls in underdeveloped regions of Africa and the Caribbean.
Loaves & Fishes: Our weekly gathering of food for the hungry in our community, delivered each Monday to the neighborhood food centers.
Lutheran World Relief Knitting/Sewing: A weekly service and fellowship opportunity to provide layettes, quilts, and dolls for children and family throughout the world.
Mid-Week Dinners: Preparing and serving our family dinners and fellowship during the months of September through the May.
Music Ministry: Organists, instrumentalists, and vocalists enhance our worship and spiritual life regularly and on special occasions.
Bell Choir: Our hand bell choir enhances worship with meditative music.
Cantors: Cantors assist in worship with singing some of the liturgy and leading in responsive singing of the psalms.
Church Choir: Mainly adult choir enhances worship with an offering of their voices.
Instrumentalists: Assist in leading and supporting worship.
Livestream: Assist in the virtual ministry of Zion's worship along with in-person sound system monitoring.
Office Volunteers: From collating bulletins to answering phones or helping with filing and record keeping, many help in our ministry of Congregational Life.
Outdoor Beautification: From spring to fall, Wednesday mornings become a time for fellowship as members work on gardens and grounds.
Personnel: A ministry team meets monthly to assist our Vice President of Personnel in the hiring and support of our ministry staff.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Members knit and crochet shawls that are given to members during time of illness and healing, as a reminder of the warmth of our love and the presence of God in their lives.
Property: A ministry team meets monthly to assist in the maintenance, operations, security, and stewardship of our physical resources.
Small Group Bible Study Ministry: We have a number of small groups who gather for spiritual growth, fellowship, and ministry efforts.
Ushers: Welcome, hand out bulletins, and assist people during worship.
Young Adults: Community and fellowship for our 20/30 year olds are formed through Bible study and fellowship a couple times each month, often off-site and online.
Youth Ministry: For our 6th – 12th grade students we offer Sunday AM class along with Youth Night twice a month on Sunday evenings. This ministry provides spiritual growth, social, and service opportunities.
Zion Gardens: A dedicated group plants, weeds, and cares for the flowers and shrubs that accent our property, including our Prayer Garden.
Zion Prayer Ministry: Each week we email a list of prayer needs to a faithful group of members, who daily pray, for everyone in this congregation.
Zion's Women's Book Group: A monthly gathering for fellowship and support.