Frequently Asked Questions
What is unique about Zion?
Zion is a congregation of joyful, loving, diverse Christians who enjoy being part of a supportive and caring environment. We are a Lutheran congregation with a history of working closely with other churches in service to the community and world at large. Music, education, families, fellowship, and opportunities to serve others are important to us, and we have many unique ways to serve. We are located on a lovely 8 acre wooded site that overlooks the Westnedge Hill neighborhood in Kalamazoo. Wildlife, trees, and flower gardens flourish on our grounds, just as Christ’s Love flourishes in our hearts.
Zion is a 150+ year old congregation that continues to look for new ways to celebrate and share Christ. Our beautiful and spacious building provides easy access to worship, fellowship and classes on our main level.
How do I get there?
We are located two blocks south of Howard Street, where Bronson Boulevard and Crosstown Parkway merge. The church is on the west side of the road, on the top of the hill. Our entrance is on Peeler Street.
What does your congregation "look" like?
We have and welcome people of all ages and stages in life. We encourage children to be in worship and adults to be in classes. Many of our members are engaged in education, medicine, science, and service vocations, and we have stay at home parents, single parent families, as well as college students and retired grandparents within our community. Visitors comment on the friendliness and warmth of our members regularly when visiting. We celebrate Christ joyfully together in worship, share his love in our daily living, and welcome everyone who wants to be part of a supportive and caring environment where we worship, work, and play.
Is there a dress code or expectation?
No! We are a casual congregation that welcomes you as you are.
How do I find my way into and around your building?
Enter through the west doors that face the parking lot. If you come during the week, simply hit the door buzzer to the right of the interior door on the main entrance and one of our office staff will greet you and answer any questions you may have.
What do I need to know for a first visit?
Just know that you are welcome and should feel free to ask anyone for any kind of help you need.
Can I just come and visit without having to worry about making any commitments
What are your office hours?
Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00 pm, and Friday from 9:00am to 12:00pm noon.
How do I get information about or enroll in Friends of Jesus Preschool
Check out our website or contact our Director, Jen LaPorte by calling our main office number 269-382-2360 where you will be transferred by office staff.
What do you believe about Baptism?
Baptism is one of the sacraments of the Church. We believe this is God's gift of forgiveness and grace, in which he brings us into the family of God and is the beginning of a lifetime of growing in the Christian faith.
How do I get my child baptized?
Call the office (269-382-2360) so that you can make an appointment with our Senior Pastor who will be happy to meet with you to answer all your questions.
What do you believe about Communion?
At the last supper with his disciples, Jesus took bread and said, "this is my body." He took wine and said "this is my blood." He said that we should celebrate this meal "in remembrance of Him." We believe that Christ is physically present in this meal as He brings to us forgiveness, life, salvation. Communion occurs at every Saturday Service and at the First, Third, and (when applicable) Fifth services on Sundays.
Can I take communion at Zion?
If you are a baptized Christian, recognize that Christ’s body and blood is physically present in the bread and wine, and believe that by participating in this meal you are receiving forgiveness, life and salvation, then you are welcome to join with us in the sacrament. If you have any questions, or have never taken communion, we ask that you talk with one of the pastors before partaking of this meal.
What is worship like?
Our worship service follows a pattern. We begin each service with confession and absolution. We hear readings from scripture and a sermon that proclaims the Good News of God’s Son to God’s people. We celebrate Holy Communion (when scheduled) and sing hymns as part of the service.
Our worship time together sends us out renewed and refreshed for our lives as God's people on earth.
What youth programs do you have?
We have Sunday School for ages 3 through elementary, as well as for middle and high school students. We have confirmation ministry for middle school, which includes Sunday classes, confirmation classes on Wednesday evenings, retreats and servant opportunities. We have a high school youth group, Sunday classes, and retreats, fellowship events and servant opportunities. Click here for more information.
Do you have small groups for adults?
We have a variety of small groups. We have small group Bible studies that meet at various times and places during the week. Click here for more information.
What activities or ministries can I get involved in?
We also have over 40 ministries such as choirs, cooking, sewing, book groups, gardening, ushering, and so forth that you can be involved in as soon as you would like. Click here to see our list of ministries.
How do I join if I am not a member of a church or transfer my membership from another church?
Call the church office (269-382-2360) and one of the staff will walk you through the process.
Can I get married at Zion?
Call the church office (269-382-2360) BEFORE you schedule a reception hall to talk to one of the pastors about getting married at Zion. As reception halls are usually booked almost a year in advance, that helps you know when to call Zion. We believe marriage has been ordained by God and offer church weddings to Zion members and close family to honor and celebrate this special time in your lives.