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Current Education Opportunities

Sunday: 9:15am – Pastor Mike: Spiritual Formation in the Sanctuary

                    9:15am – Pastor Tim: Revelation Gatherings 205A

                    9:15am – John & Candy’s Parenting Group: The Birds and the Bees in Blends

                    9:15am – Linda’s Small Group: Women of the New Testament in Gatherings 205B

                    9:15am – Sunday School PK–5th Grade Undercroft B114

                    9:15am – Youth Bible Study 6th–12th Grade Youth Education Room B108

                    6:30pm – EOW Chuck’s Small Group: The Gospel of Mark Blends 200


Tuesday: 10:00am – Pastor Brelje: 1 Peter Gatherings 205A

Wednesday: 6:15pm – Pastor Mike: Romans Gatherings 205B

                                6:15pm Midweek Kids (PK–5th Grade)/AWANA Undercroft B114

                                6:15pm Confirmation Class (6th-8th Grade) Youth Education Room B107

Saturday:        8:00am Pastor Tim’s Men’s Group Zoom: Book of Acts (ask Pastor Tim for email link)


*Please see below for further information regarding Zion's Christian Education*

Current Schedule
Sunday School
PK3 - 5th Grade

Sunday School is a very important part of Christian education at Zion. During their years in Sunday School, students dive into Bible stories and are immersed in an experience that changes every month but is always filled with the message that Jesus loves them. Students in Preschool through 5th grade meet in the Undercroft area under the Sanctuary from 9:15am-10:15am (in between worship services). Sunday school meets from September – May.


Midweek Kids uses AWANA material and is a Wednesday evening opportunity to take a deeper dive into the Bible. Join us from 6:15pm-7:15pm for a  lesson and activity.

Middle School
Middle School


Middle school is the time that we run our Confirmation Ministry, or "Basics of the Faith." Students 6th-8th grade are in this age range. Prior to the start of the year (usually around the beginning of August) we hold a Confirmation Camp – a two day camp in which we introduce the themes for the year, have team building activities, and grow as a group. It is also the time in which we give First Communion instruction to the 6th grade students. During the Middle School years we reinforce what was taught in Sunday School as well as dive deeper into Lutheran theology. Besides the Bible, we use Luther’s Small Catechism and a Confirmation textbook to get deeper into Biblical principles. Our goal with Middle School ministry is to better equip students as they mature along their faith journey. 


We hold classes on Wednesday nights for students in this age group. A lot of the learning is experiential, meaning we use experiences to foster retention. Through these classroom experiences students grow with God and with one another. 


We also have Sunday morning Bible study combined with the high school students at 9:15am.


Middle school students are regularly invited to come together for a social event or a service project. These vary throughout the year.

High School
High School


Any high school student is more than welcome at Zion! We meet once a week on Sunday morning at 9:15 for Bible study, and again for fellowship or service projects on a regular but more spread out basis. If you would like more information about the events please contact the Church Office.


During our meeting time, we strive to provide a positive and safe environment where students are not judged by their abilities or social status, rather an environment where all students are accepted based on the fact that they are all forgiven, children of God! Our focus is on strengthening relationships with God and relationships with one another. We often get into some deep, but fun discussions!


Come and see for yourself what goes on at Bible study and other events! Whether it's a fun evening, a day of serving, digging into God's Word, or just hanging out, YOU are invited to join us!

Adult Education
Adult Education

Zion has a lot of opportunities for Adult Education. We believe that education is important to your relationship with Christ. Our classes are centered around relationships. There are many options when looking for a class. We offer Small Group Bible studies, Sunday morning classes, and weekday classes. Here is a list of our classes (Classes meet from September - May):

  • Pastor Mike's Sunday morning class is for adults of all ages and meets in our Gathering space B. This year's topic is "Spiritual Formation." Join us at 9:15am on Sunday's!

  • Pastor Tim's Sunday morning Bible class is for adults of all ages and is a comfortable place to meet other people at Zion. This year we are exploring Revelation and what makes it unique. Whether you come every week or only once in a while, you are always welcome and we will be enriched by your presence! We meet in Gathering A at 9:15am on Sunday's.

  • Parenting Group with the Buetow's meets Sunday mornings at 9:15am. This year we are diving into a study on "The Birds and the Bees." There is always space for more and we hope you'll join us! The nursery can be staffed so any kids 2 and under can have fun and stay busy right next door! Our group is made up of parents with newborns through High School seniors.

  • Tuesday's at 10am with Pastor Brelje bring a mix of knowledge, discussion, humor, and study. Our study will be on 1 Peter. This class is for adults of all ages.

  • Tuesday's on Zoom at 8:30pm, every other week with Aaron, young adults in college or beyond are welcome to jump in on some discussion and connecting. If interested, please contact Aaron at This discussion is for adults 18-30. We also have a Young Adult Small Group that meets at scheduled times throughout the month. 

  • On Wednesday night Pastor Mike will host a group that discusses "Romans." Join us at 5:15pm for a meal before the class begins at 6:15pm. 

  • The Saturday morning men’s group will meet on Zoom at 8am. Email to be included! This year we start a discussion on the Book of Acts. As we grow together through this class we also discuss how to be better fathers, husbands, neighbors, friends, and people of faith.

Small Groups
Small Groups


Three principles help explain the purpose of our Small Group Bible Study Ministry.

Zion offers a variety of groups for a variety of people. Groups meet at a variety of times and cover a variety of topics! This is a great opportunity to make new friends at Zion and contribute to the overall health of our Zion family. The Small Groups are also encouraged to do a social activity in the summer as well as get together with all the other participants in Small Groups for an annual Christmas activity.

  • Connect with God and other Christians.

  • Grow in your faith as you explore His Word for your daily life with Christian friends.

  • Serve together in simple and meaningful ways. Put love into action as a way to strengthen your own faith as well as meet the needs of others.


Small Groups are a great way to grow in your personal relationships: with Christ and with one another. 

Here were our offerings last year (we will resume new groups in September):​

  • Chuck's EOW Sunday Night (6:30pm - 8:00pm) at Zion. We will be going through the book of Mark. This is a relaxed and discussion based study. 

  • Linda's group will meet Sunday mornings at 9:15am. This year we will discuss "Women of the Bible." From Eve to Esther in the Old Testament and from Elizabeth to Pricilla in the New Testament we will use a variety of sources with the Bible as our main focus. As we study, we will search for important truths that God wants us to discover and apply to our own lives today.

  • Dave's group will resume Wednesday evenings at 4:15pm after February. We explore a series on how Jesus unlocks some of life's major challenges. Each session will equip you with Biblical, practical, and relatable application relating to different challenges like worry, anger, judging others, facing temptation, etc. Be inspired and encouraged to approach each of these challenges with confidence, power, and wisdom of Jesus, who is always worthy of our worship even amidst the difficulties in our own life.


For more information on any of these classes or to "sign up" please contact the Church Office!

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